Monday, May 3, 2021

Argentina: Devil's Throat

The Devil's Throat Photograph by Mark Coran

Argentina Landscapes and Places: Iguazu Falls - The Devil's Throat


Devil’s Throat  also known as Iguazu Falls is an amazing set of waterfalls. There are 275 different sets of waterfalls throughout the Devil’s Throat. It is right on the Argentina and Brazil border. Most of the Iguazu river is on the Brazil side while the falls are on the Argentine side. The falls were discovered all the way back in 1541 by  Conquistador Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca. There are countless ways to access the falls through boat, hikes, cars and walking but no matter where you see the falls it is guaranteed to be a spectacular and a once in a lifetime sight.

Google Earth Link:,-54.4367687,167.53994173a,940.77873019d,35y,0h,45t,0r/data=ClwaWhJUCiUweDk0ZjZlYTA5YTFmNjRlYzE6MHgzNDhhNjgwN2RlNzBhYzYzGeo_a378sTnAIWIilK3kN0vAKhlBcmdlbnRpbmE6IERldmlsJ3MgVGhyb2F0GAIgASgCMicKJQojCiExNlU1R21CNnhpUWoweXktMTNqa2FNZUl3VmFfNUpwR3o


Cameroon: La Nouvelle Liberte

La Nouvelle Liberte is a piece of artwork in the city of Douala. Joseph-Francois Sumegne created it in 1996. Sumegne is a native of Cameroon...