Monday, April 26, 2021

Antigua: Devil's Bridge National Park

 Devil’s Bridge National Park is a National Park that was established in 2008. Devil’s Bridge National Park was formed because of wind surges. The wind surges occur because there is no land in between Devil’s Bridge and Europe. Devil’s Bridge National Park is known for the several natural blowholes that can be found all throughout Devil’s Bridge National Park. It is one of the most unique natural sites in the world with the numerous blowholes, nearby there are a lot of swimming spots that are sheltered by the Long Cove. It is one of the best places to take a photo within the country due to the unique angles and view that Devil’s Bridge offers. Antigua is an amazingly beautiful country with stunning beaches and views but Devil’s Bridge National Park topps them all in my opinion.

Google Earth Link:,-61.6784246,4.70387817a,1004.4809428d,35y,0h,45t,0r/data=CmgaZhJgCiUweDhjMTJiZTE1MGY1NTQyYmI6MHhiZmY2ZGEwMTg5ZmZhY2YzGawf9p26GTFAIaLmBp7W1k7AKiVBbnRpZ3VhOiBEZXZpbCdzIEJyaWRnZSBOYXRpb25hbCBQYXJrGAIgASgCMicKJQojCiExNlU1R21CNnhpUWoweXktMTNqa2FNZUl3VmFfNUpwR3o

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