Monday, April 26, 2021

Antigua: Devil's Bridge National Park

 Devil’s Bridge National Park is a National Park that was established in 2008. Devil’s Bridge National Park was formed because of wind surges. The wind surges occur because there is no land in between Devil’s Bridge and Europe. Devil’s Bridge National Park is known for the several natural blowholes that can be found all throughout Devil’s Bridge National Park. It is one of the most unique natural sites in the world with the numerous blowholes, nearby there are a lot of swimming spots that are sheltered by the Long Cove. It is one of the best places to take a photo within the country due to the unique angles and view that Devil’s Bridge offers. Antigua is an amazingly beautiful country with stunning beaches and views but Devil’s Bridge National Park topps them all in my opinion.

Google Earth Link:,-61.6784246,4.70387817a,1004.4809428d,35y,0h,45t,0r/data=CmgaZhJgCiUweDhjMTJiZTE1MGY1NTQyYmI6MHhiZmY2ZGEwMTg5ZmZhY2YzGawf9p26GTFAIaLmBp7W1k7AKiVBbnRpZ3VhOiBEZXZpbCdzIEJyaWRnZSBOYXRpb25hbCBQYXJrGAIgASgCMicKJQojCiExNlU1R21CNnhpUWoweXktMTNqa2FNZUl3VmFfNUpwR3o

Monday, April 19, 2021

Angola: Kalandula Falls

 Kalandula Falls is located in the Calendula, Malanje Providence of Angola. It is an amazing sight that 105 meters tall or 344 feet high and 400 meters or 1,400 feet wide. It is one of the largest waterfalls in all of Africa based on its volume. The Waterfalls are located on the Lucala River. The waterfalls are in a horseshoe shape with multiple falls. The falls have also been described as being the 2nd most powerful waterfall in all of Africa. The World Waterfall Database says “ Kalandula Falls is not a widely known or recognized waterfall, but it is undeniably a major waterfall and very well may end up being the second most powerful waterfall of the African continent.”

Google Earth Link:,16.0010612,1040.29706021a,1041.75516707d,35y,0h,45t,0r/data=Cl4aXBJWCiUweDFhNGEzYTQ3Njg4NTQwYmY6MHg4OGUwZmRkYzMyNmI2ZGIwGd6WI7_ZJSLAIWVL-4tFADBAKhtBbmdvbGE6IFF1ZWRhcyBkZSBLYWxhbmR1bGEYAiABKAIyJwolCiMKITE2VTVHbUI2eGlRajB5eS0xM2prYU1lSXdWYV81SnBHeg

Monday, April 12, 2021

Andorra: The Nobility Of Time


The Nobility Of TIme is a sculpture created by Salvador Dali. It is a riverside monument made out of bronze. This sculpture is a perfect example of Dali’s work. It has a melted clock which is a classic in Dali’s work. There are also 2 different women on the bottom of the sculpture. The meaning of this particular sculpture is the metamorphosis of nature and time. Dali loved to express the concept of time in his works. The tree in the sculpture is to express that the tree is lifeless with no new leaves or roots to show a rebirth. I think that this sculpture being in Andorra is important because this Andorra is known for there mountains and nature but in the Andorra city there is a sculpture expressing that over time nature is going to become lifeless.

Google Earth Link:,1.5294338,1019.94631295a,754.31515106d,35y,0h,45t,0r/data=Cm8abRJnCiQweDEyYTU4YWQwOGFlNWUyOWI6MHg2ZmY2ZDY4Y2E0NDU0NDIZJuMYyR5BRUAhIFqGk494-D8qLUFuZG9ycmE6IFRoZSBub2JpbGl0eSBvZiB0aW1lIC0gU2FsdmFkb3IgRGFsaRgCIAEoAjInCiUKIwohMTZVNUdtQjZ4aVFqMHl5LTEzamthTWVJd1ZhXzVKcEd6OgMKATE?authuser=1

Monday, April 5, 2021

Algeria: Tadrart Range


Tadrart Rouge is a mountain range in Algeria the meaning of Tadrart Rouge is “ red mountain” this is due to the color of the rocks and sand throughout the range. The Tadrart Rouge is known for there orange-red sand dunes and natural arches all throughout the region. There is also a lot of rock art that has been made and kept in the region. Experts believe that some of the rock was made at least 10,000 years ago. Some of the drawings include animals like elephants, antelope, flowers, horses and even camels. There are countless rock formations and arches throughout the region some even reach to be 1,398 m tall. The region is located in the southeastern part of Algeria, in the Algerian Desert. This mountain range is a great spot for pictures and kinda looks like a star wars movie set.

Google Earth Link:,+Algeria/@23.6721142,10.896877,1359.29725606a,5106.44915686d,35y,0h,45t,0r/data=CooBGmASWgolMHgxM2Q0YTE1MTlkYTM2OTA5OjB4ZWUzM2Q0YmI4N2RjMDJjZBkEKtKzD6w3QCG2EU92M8slQCofUnXEnWEgVGFkcmFydNiMIERqYW5ldCwgQWxnZXJpYRgCIAEiJgokCWRfYbNysDdAEUQLPZbGmjdAGUBxrtW48yVAIURUYNtcsiVAKAI


Cameroon: La Nouvelle Liberte

La Nouvelle Liberte is a piece of artwork in the city of Douala. Joseph-Francois Sumegne created it in 1996. Sumegne is a native of Cameroon...