Monday, April 12, 2021

Andorra: The Nobility Of Time


The Nobility Of TIme is a sculpture created by Salvador Dali. It is a riverside monument made out of bronze. This sculpture is a perfect example of Dali’s work. It has a melted clock which is a classic in Dali’s work. There are also 2 different women on the bottom of the sculpture. The meaning of this particular sculpture is the metamorphosis of nature and time. Dali loved to express the concept of time in his works. The tree in the sculpture is to express that the tree is lifeless with no new leaves or roots to show a rebirth. I think that this sculpture being in Andorra is important because this Andorra is known for there mountains and nature but in the Andorra city there is a sculpture expressing that over time nature is going to become lifeless.

Google Earth Link:,1.5294338,1019.94631295a,754.31515106d,35y,0h,45t,0r/data=Cm8abRJnCiQweDEyYTU4YWQwOGFlNWUyOWI6MHg2ZmY2ZDY4Y2E0NDU0NDIZJuMYyR5BRUAhIFqGk494-D8qLUFuZG9ycmE6IFRoZSBub2JpbGl0eSBvZiB0aW1lIC0gU2FsdmFkb3IgRGFsaRgCIAEoAjInCiUKIwohMTZVNUdtQjZ4aVFqMHl5LTEzamthTWVJd1ZhXzVKcEd6OgMKATE?authuser=1

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