Monday, March 22, 2021

Afghanistan: Minaret Of Jam


The Minaret Of Jam was built around the year 1190, it is made of completely baked bricks with a height of 65 meters. Due to the age of the structure, it has been under a real sense of danger due to the fact of the possibility of collapsing. It is believed to be built in the capital of the Ghurid Dynasty called Firozkoh. The Minaret Of Jam purpose was to show people where the capital city was located to travelers. The Minaret Of Jam is located in a remote location of the Shahrak District, Ghor Providence. If you are up for the challenge of finding The Minaret Of Jam just like the travelers back in the 12th century then I highly recommend The Minaret Of Jam.

Google Earth Link:,+Afghanistan/@34.3964227,64.5158856,1874.87205951a,853.53006032d,35y,323.95849948h,45t,0r/data=CoYBGlwSVgolMHgzZjJmZmIyZjk4NTU1YzE3OjB4YTc4MjQ1Yjg2NWM5NzFiNhkt8qH6vTJBQCGMHglFBCFQQCobTWluYXJldCBvZiBKYW0sIEFmZ2hhbmlzdGFuGAIgASImCiQJ3au3VaNdM0AR3au3VaNdM8AZL-lViLAYSUAhLOlViLAYScA


  1. Wonderful. I am one of the travelers who want to see if one day I go to Afghanistan. 😊


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