Monday, October 11, 2021

Brazil: Cachoeira da Fumaça


Cachoeira da Fumaça also referred to as smoke falls or glass falls is one of the most undiscovered and beautiful waterfalls in the amazing country of Brazil. It is the second tallest waterfall in the Atlantic Rainforest with a total of 340 meters. The tallest waterfall on the Atlantic Rainforest is the Cachoeira do Araca which is only 13 meters taller than the Cachoeira da Fumaça. I choose to write about Cachoeira da Fumaça instead of the tallest waterfall on the Atlantic because of its remarkable beauty and resemblance of smoke instead of water due to the mist from the waterfall. You can find Cachoeira da Fumaça in the Chapada Diamantina region of Brazil which is most commonly associated with adventure and thrill. If you are visiting that area of Brazil and want to take a minute from the adventure to witness an incredible waterfall than I highly recommend Cachoeira da Fumaça. 


Cameroon: La Nouvelle Liberte

La Nouvelle Liberte is a piece of artwork in the city of Douala. Joseph-Francois Sumegne created it in 1996. Sumegne is a native of Cameroon...